An update:
She arrived on the 27th of June.
Over three weeks we experienced the joy of so many happy emotions. I introduced my love to my entire family and they all loved her. She is the best thing to ever happen to me and her visit just reassured our love in every way possible. This photo really expresses us in all our silly glory. Love you babe.

The beautiful blue sky and rolling, white clouds led us all over the east coast. Road tripping to Panama City Beach to see my sister we sang the whole way, held hands and I even allowed her to drool on my arm as she napped. Watching her peacefully sleep is one of the things I missed the most. I got to experience her first footsteps in the blues waters of the Gulf, tasting the ocean salt as waves crashed over our heads. Her laughter and energy drives me wild and I know it will forever.
I introduced her to all my friends here in Nashville. Through drinking, good food, and smoke filled karaoke at Santa's Pub (including a wild and off key rendition on "Mandy"), it was like she had known them for years. While I don't need approval for the choices I make, it is nice to see them all having a great time together. Makes a heart happy. Cookouts, neighborhood gathering, shopping and playing tourist, we enjoyed our free time here in town. Road trips to Jack Daniels Distillery, Slick Pig at MTSU, exploring the Narrow of the Harpeth state park, horseback riding, the Nashville Zoo, and walking around hand in hand downtown we never missed a moment to steal a kiss or take a loving selfie.

On July 9th we took to the sky, flying from Nashville to Baltimore. After resolving a car booking mishap, we hit the road to Dillsburg, PA. Never heard of it? I wouldn't have either except my grandparents have lived there for just over 30 years. My brother, sister and I used to visit them for two weeks every summer and it is some of the best memories I have with them. As you can guess, I wanted Mandy to meet them and for them to meet her. We got to have dinner with them the first night and spend the whole next day with them, my cousin Tommy and Aunt Kathy. Between visiting Hershey Chocolate Factory (introducing Mandy to Hershey Kisses), playing cahds (according to Grandpa), visiting the iconic Baker's Diner and just talking about life, we enjoyed our visit fully. Would be so nice if I lived closer to them and could visit every weekend, but such is life. I guess that is why we were given the gift of carrying memories deep inside.

Leaving my grandparents was a bit sentimental, but we pushed on towards DC to visit my brother and his finance on their new farm. It was a beautiful drive down there from PA. White picket fences surrounding fields of green, some filled with horses, some with cattle and some so scenic you can't help buy stare and feel at ease. We arrived late and got to meet all of the animals my brother has collected: 3 horses, 2 donkeys, 2 goats, chickens, 5 dogs, and a couple ducks. Some frogs tried to introduce themselves to Mandy, but she refused and screamed at them. I have to say, I love the beautiful farm and surrounding country. It is certainly a different way of life.

The next day, July 11th, we headed in to DC. The ride is about an hour, but went by fast. Arriving in the city, we parked and met with our friend Beli to have lunch at Lafayette Park in front of the White House. From there we spent 5 hours walking the National Mall, visiting the Smithsonian, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and a few other government buildings. Best part was the man selling water for $1 and yelling what sounded like "ohwhatawonder." We went to dinner with my brother and his fiance that night to a nice German place called Bavarian Chef. First time eating German food and I must say it was pretty good.
Next stop, my parents house and Mandy claims she wasn't nervous. We had 5 full days in Massachusetts, but we were already worn out from the first half of the trip. We relaxed a lot, played with Rosie and Bella (my parent's two dogs), spent one day in Rockport and Boston, where she got to meet my best friend Raffi, went hiking with my parents, introduced Mandy to miniature golf, cooked my parents and Indian meal, hung out with Danielle and Stef, two of my other good friends from high school, and bought too much stuff at Wal-Mart for Mandy to take back to her family and friends. Good news! My parents like her a lot, said she is very sweet and kind. Can't ask for anything more than a parents acceptance.

From my parents we took a train into Penn Station in NYC. This was my first time in NYC since before 2001 and obviously Mandy's first. Considering neither of us are fans of big city life, we got to see just enough. Luckily Mandy's high school friend Sam was living in Hoboken, NJ and allowed us to crash in his studio apartment. I must say this was very kind of him and I was very happy to finally meet someone from Mizoram. Surprisingly, Hoboken is a very nice city with brick sidewalks, beautiful brownstones and a wonderful riverfront park. Not to mention, the amazing and infamous Journal Square is very close by and is considered by many as the Indian capital of NJ, complete with restaurants and grocery stores selling delicious Indian food.
Our first full day in New York, we slept late in typical us mode. Getting to the city around 11, our first stop was the 9/11 Memorial. This was at the top of my list to visit and as I predicted it was very difficult to stand in the same area where so many innocent Americans perished. I remember visiting NYC as a child and taking photos of the iconic twin towers rising above the skyline, so now seeing two flowing pools of water where their footprints once stood was intense. Reading the inscribed names of all those who were taken too soon left a sad mark on my heart. It is a touching memorial surrounded by tall trees colored in green and a new tower lifting the sky the place is a magnificent tribute.

Moving uptown we headed toward Times Square where we visited the historic H&M where mannequins hang from the ceiling and views of people dressed as cartoon characters below are unlimited. We bought nothing and headed to the center of the city in the Times Square where we ate a hot dog and over priced chicken stick. With the sun shining on us from above, we spent some time people watching and sweating. From there we headed off in the wrong direction to Rockefeller Center and 5th Ave and ended up at my company's office in NYC. Up on the 57th floor we took in views of the city, including Central Park, Hudson River, Empire State building and so many other buildings rising up from the concrete below.
After a few drink at Ear Inn in the East Village with my co-worker, we met back up with Sam and dined in Little Italy at Umberto's. While it was not the best Italian I have ever had, watching the host pull tourists in off the street in Italian sales style was more than entertaining. Such an adventure we had. Thankfully we were together or I may not have made it out alive.
The last day is always the hardest. We took planes in two different directions and I know at least one tear rolled down my cheek after we kissed goodbye in the terminal. Knowing how strong our love is, I am not worried, but I can't help but yearn to be in her arms for more then weeks at a time. I miss her so much already.
Good news from all this, in the next few months she will be moving to Ireland to do her PhD which is a much closer distance than India. With the luck of the Irish on our side, we will live a long and happy life together. Love you babe.
She departed the 19th of July.