Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 405 - Do Something

Look under a stone,
Swipe right,
Talk to a stranger,
Find the Lord,
Help the downtrodden,
Give a smile,
Share a laugh,
Travel the world,
Join a team,
Play hard to get,
Just don't sit still,
Love is out there,
Waiting to be found.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 400 - Searching

All I wanted was acceptance,
I yearned for growth,
Something to lift my head,
To focus my mind,
Completely freeing me inside.
I really needed a change,
I was missing that warm feeling,
Of my heart racing uncontrollably,
Building upon a similar energy,
Making my world feel at ease.
Looking back now it is clear,
I was searching too close to home,
'Cause all I needed was you.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 399 - Pictures

I've got a million pictures of you, 
Giving me a most beautiful view.
They're hanging in so many places, 
With you making so many faces.
Each one shows a different side, 
Of that pretty face you never hide.
Your beauty never ceases to amaze me, 
You're the prettiest girl I have ever seen. 
I love the pictures trapped in my mind, 
A perfect memory is never too hard to find. 
I'm not sure what you see in this man, 
Surely it's more than what a picture can.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 395 - 7 Simple Things Happy Couples Never Stop Doing

I saw this article online and thought it would be a good share. Hope we never stop doing any of these!
Relationship: 7 Simple Things Happy Couples Never Stop Doing
If you truly want the best relationship possible, don’t leave the fate of your “happily in love” connection to luck or chance. Trust me, couples who thrive for the long-term actively choose behaviors that keep them in a good place with each other.
As a marriage therapist who has been happily married and counseling for 40 years, here are the top seven habits I see ridiculously happy couples practice faithfully:
1. Spend time together.
It is staggering how many couples come to my office having not spent a single meaningful moment together since their last session. I know, I know — kids and jobs quickly derail your chances of alone time. But come on!
You can’t connect if you never spend time together. It’s the most obvious and basic step of keeping love alive.
So get with it, pull out your calendars, set a date to spend some time together and then honor it. Create a space (sans kids) where you can breathe together — that is when meaningful connection and conversations occur.
2. Know your partner’s love language.
This one is so important. Just because your mom sang your praises for cleaning up your room doesn’t mean your partner is as impressed by the act. We each value different loving behaviors and gestures in our relationship. Often couples have completely different love languages.
If you don’t know what you’re partner’s is, ask. Your honey has probably tried to share theirs, but you may have missed it. So, find out today.
Just ask, “What things have I done that make you feel the most loved?” Perhaps it will be the time you surprised her by cooking dinner. Perhaps his will be just touching him affectionately. Or that time you threw him that surprise birthday party.
Unsure of what the different love languages are? Make a date to flip through The Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman together. Discovering your partner’s love language makes showing appreciation and affection truly fun again.
3. Commit to 20-second hugs twice a day.
I’m not talking about a polite, A-shaped hug. I mean a hip-to-hip, really holding each other bear hug. Why must it last 20 seconds? Because that’s how long it takes for your oxytocin to kick in (otherwise known as “the cuddle hormone”) which gives you that delightful feeling that all is right with the world (and your relationship).
I regularly “prescribe” 20-second hugs to my patients because the gesture is powerful medicine. So, every morning before you leave for work and then again when you get home, spend 20 full seconds in an embrace. I guarantee you, one or both of you will quickly slip into your happy place. But remember, because it works so well and feels so good, if you skip this ritual too often, your partner will soon feel uncared for. So commit to it and enjoy it!

4. Learn to listen (without interrupting).
Nothing says “I love you” more than really listening when your partner speaks. About their thoughts. About their feelings. Even about that big meeting with their boss and their stressful, busy day.
Authentic listening is a skill most people struggle with, however. It means shutting off your screens, dialing down your own thoughts, making eye contact, nodding your head in an appreciative way… you know, actually caring and being present. Supportive grunts and high-fives are also appropriate. Bonus points for touching your partner’s arm at appropriate moments to show you’re genuinely paying attention.
Giving your partner the floor without needing to put in your own two cents (or stealing the spotlight) shows that their thoughts and feelings are as important to you as your own. Just make sure to mirror back what your partner says (without editorial comments, of course). Don’t tell them what to do, simply reflect what you heard them say and your understanding of how it impacted them.

5. Keep each other in the loop.
How can you know when to celebrate or commiserate with your partner if they don’t keep you informed about what’s going on in their life? If your partner believes their entire work future depends on keeping a current client happy, you can suggest dinner out to toast occasions when those happy client moments occur.
Or when your partner shares that they’re working through tension in a valued friendship, you can smile and show support when they report that speed bump was successfully smoothed over.
We all want and need to come home to someone who carries us in their mind as we face the challenges and joys of our day. Knowing that your partner cares about your life outside of just your relationship together makes feel protected, cheered for, and like our place on Earth matters.

6. Actually plan your future together (as in, on an actual calendar!)
Most of the stuff that matters in relationships won’t happen unless it’s on the calendar. This includes sex, getting together with friends, and making time to see each other (see habit #1!). Making time every month to set goals together will increase your sense that you’re on the same journey together, planning a meaningful future that you both prioritize and value.
Remember, you’re on a team, so pull together, whether it’s around the children, your individual career goals, your sex life, or just figuring out what you want to do this weekend.

7. Reassure each other.
Everyone needs reassurance from time to time. Don’t wait until one of you needs it to give it. Frequently affirming how much you care keeps the other person relaxed and feeling safe in your relationship. Sometimes an out-of-nowhere, heartfelt “I love you” instantly makes up for all of those moments when you didn’t understand each other.
And nothing keeps us feeling secure in our relationships like hearing all of the ways our partner appreciates us. It’s hard to slip into insecurity about their love when they’ve just mentioned two reasons why they’re so glad you’re in their life.
Human beings survive across the ages because our brains evolved with a negativity bias — remaining ever alert to what’s possibly wrong. Our brains feed us flashes of every potential danger which often means we’re imagining some of them. When you see your partner panic and “make up” a problem, rather than get mad or defensive, reach out to them calmly. They just need some reassurance to quiet that primal part of their brain down again.
 Challenge yourself to let go of criticism, and invite your partner to rest in the happiness of being loved for exactly that.
Original article here: 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 394 - Need To Do

We ain't a static filled radio,
Or a watered down whiskey and coke,
We don't think the grass is greener,
Or wonder what might have been.
We take this life day by day,
Knowing what we have is real,
And that we have everything to lose.
We keep our hearts in a happy place,
Sadness does not fit in our life,
We are faith keepers,
The true believers,
Doing exactly what we need to do.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 393 - Perfectly Lucky

We found it,
That which others seek,
And most will never find.
We're the lucky ones,
Right place, right time,
Not even looking to find.
Maybe it fell from the stars,
Flew from Cupid's arms,
Or a Divine intervention plan.
We work with what we're given,
And while this distance is not perfect,
It challenges us to be.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 392 - Wandering

The sun beats down,
Not hot enough to sweat,
Cold enough to see my breath.
I walk with my collar up,
Head down, to avoid the wind,
A concrete shadow follows behind.
These streets are never at peace,
Like my thoughts, they never sleep,
Restless and weary I continue my beat.
I'm thinking now of the girl I love,
Her beauty and charm excite me,
A smile appears on my face.
My upturned lips are just a disguise,
Hiding a sadness filed deep inside,
Missing constantly, just creates a void.

Like my feet, my mind wanders,
Taking me back in time,
To places where you were within reach.
The humid streets of Taiwan,
Where dumplings and tofu reign supreme,
And my eyes caught the first glimpse of true love.
To the sand and blue waters of Boracay,
Where we first began exploring our new love,
Like the famous conquistadors of Spain.
Then I'm back in typhoon soaked Taiwan,
Hiking to waterfalls, a strategic plan in mind,
Sealing our love with one stroke of the hand.
One year later, you arrive to the stars and stripes,
Nashville, DC, Boston and NYC,
I got to show you off to friends and family.
Then there we are, in front of an orange sunrise,
Under a tree which seems to touch the sky,
Green Irish fields echo our laughter and love.

As I reach my destination,
I shake off the bitter cold,
Taking a seat like I do every night.
I power up the old laptop,
Wait for what seems like an eternity,
Listening for what's become a familiar sound.
My day is blossoming in to happiness,
The Skype Gods have connected us again,
Giving access to a love which may otherwise be lost.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 391 - A Valentines Day Special

I chose my place beside you,
A place where I feel loved,
And so completely fulfilled.
You make my life so special,
With your warm heart,
And kind and gracious soul.
You are the pretty girl,
The one everyone wants to be,
And only I get to call you mine.
I hope you enjoy receiving love,
Hugs, kisses, and other stuff,
'Cause they won't ever stop.
My mind is saturated with you,
Memories and thoughts run wild,
All pointing towards you.
If I was given the chance,
To go back and choose again,
Know it would be you every time.

Love you babe!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 387 - Missing It All

Perfume wisping,
Lipstick kissing,
Cold feet kicking,
Sweat wicking,
Laughs ringing,
Lungs singing,
Hearts pumping,
Bodies humping,
City strolling,
Hands holding,
Love growing,
Life unfolding.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 386 - Electric Square

With an electric square,
In the palm of your hand.
We've become just a voice,
In and out of our ears.
Are we losing control,
To a device with no soul?
Poking and swiping,
Checking and typing,
We barely look away,
With few words to say.
Break it! In to a million pieces,
Untether the leashes,
Send up the rescue flare,
Grasp the love in the air,
It will give us so much more, 
Than anything in the app store. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 382 - You

You have the mind of a genius,
Courage of a lion's roar.
The beauty of a temptress,
A heart pumping love through your pores.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 381 - Unbreak Me

We're magic inside,
When there is no divide.
With distance between,
It just ruins the scene.
There's cries in the night,
Waking, without you in sight,
I get lost in the shadowy dark,
Lonliness just won't disembark.

Please wake my desire,
Throw me back on the fire.
Let my heart melt in your palm,
Relieve distance's pain, queue the calm.
Let us rise up each day,
Say "I love you," without delay.
Lord, I pray for this moment,
Heal this heart which lies broken.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 379 - Yours

Without a doubt,
Yours forever.