Sunday, October 2, 2016

Day 1089 - Picture Frame

I look at my old photos and I just don't care,
They're just long gone memories of how I got to be here.
The smiles, the laughs and the tears I have cried,
Just pieces of "remember when?" leading to full body sighs.
I don't need them taking up space in my mind,
Taking away from the present me I'm trying to find.

Yes, they give me a glimpse of young faces without any lines,
Happiness seemingly flowing from everyone, all of the time.
Laying peacefully, I'm being held in everybody's arms,
Hiding under blankets of love, showcasing my young, boyish charms.
But the answers aren't in this dirty picture frame hanging up on the wall,
It's just there to take me back in time to when I worried about nothing it all.

From little kid to the man here now, I seem to have lost a gear or two,
My mind focuses only on new and useless things I let life push through.
Joyous moments leave me staring blindly and numb for all to see,
I fake smiles, knowing full well that is not who I am or what I want to be.
My body is falling apart, beginning to ache with the slightest of moves,
I lay lazily thinking about how I should go out, find ways to improve!

It's guess it's time to wake up and laugh again with the ones I love so much,
Take the weight of thoughts in my mind and rid myself of the proverbial crutch.
It just takes a moment, I'll center my mind, re-focus on what means the most in time,
I'll channel that in to a positive energy, re-charge for the next steps of my climb.
I'm ready to take the leap, make the move, to be the me I need right now,
Leave the past and the present behind, let my strong mind be the one to show me how.