Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 26 (February 14) and 27 (February 15)

Having celebrated Valentine's Day on separate days due to our distance, I am combining two posts in to one massive letter of love. Some of you reading this may be sick from all the love I have to give, or all the love my girl gives me, but too bad. It is what it is, get over it. :)

This is my letter of love for the girl I can't wait to wrap my arms around again.

Dear Mandy,

At a time when life was seemingly never going my way, a pretty girl was placed directly in my path. I thank God every day that I hopped on a plane to Taiwan for school and that you were there studying. Did I have any idea I was on a trip to meet my soul mate? Not a chance. I was mostly running away from what seemed like a deteriorating faith in love and hope. Our paths crossed at the perfect time and allowed me to wipe out any memory of that dark place. You taught my heart to smile and to understand what it fells like to truly love another person.

These last year 20 months have gone by so fast, but the love that seemed to blossom overnight continues to grow. I feel it from you and hope you feel it from me. I know it is difficult for us to be apart for these lengthy periods of time, but once the dust settles, there will be lots of time to embrace, laugh and enjoy each other's presence. I am sure a good fight or two, or three, will take place, but I know we will not allow them to hastily knock down the bridge of communication and trust we have built between us.

I look forward to growing with you through the years. Whatever life throws at us, we will dive in and press through, knowing we have each other by our sides. Nothing in this life scares me (except snakes, I really hate snakes) when I know you are standing next to me, and supporting me 100%.

You are my rock. You are my most trusted companion. You are the best you for me.

I will love you to eternity.


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