Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 363 - Things I Learned in Ireland

Things I learned while visiting Mandy in Ireland:

The People - 
Sweatpants are cool again, for all ages
Cursing is a way of life, "oh, for fucks sake"
People are friendly and have a good sense of humor
Watching people mingle in streets after bars close is more fun than being in the bars
"Sorry" is used excessively and in place of "excuse me"
There is something scary about being surrounded by redheads
Irish music tells amazing and fun stories
Catholic Mass in Ireland is the same as the U.S., long and boring

Irish always use a turn signal
They know how to pass and move over on the highway
Navigating a roundabout is learned quickly when you go through 10 of them in one mile stretch 
Roads are narrow with thick growth on the side, you will scratch your car. Get the rental insurance!
Driving on opposite side is easy, until you turn the wrong way or forget to look the right way for oncoming traffic

Countryside and weather-
There really are green fields everywhere
And sheep! Sheep are everywhere, marked with different color paint
You can buy property with old ruins scattered about
Rain is real and can happen at any time
Castles never get old
Zero percent visibility means you won't see the Cliffs of Moher, keep driving
Fifty mile per hour winds will blow you around

Food and Drink-
Guinness really does taste different 
Eggs are not refrigerated in stores
Grocery cashiers all sit in chairs
Christmas pudding is essentially a fruitcake (aka gross)
Tipping is not required
Pubs can be very tiny and are almost always packed with people

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