Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 212 - Rainy Memories

Its been raining for three days,
It keeps on coming,
Just won't go away.
I sit and stare at the world outside,
It's dark and dreary,
As far as I can see with my eyes.
Turning my gaze inside,
I begin to smile,
Thoughts of you along for the ride.
You're sitting there on the rug,
Researching your paper,
I fall asleep like I'm on drugs.
Sitting on the couch when I open the door,
A long, hard day at work,
You're still in the clothes from the night before.
I see you crushing while you relieve,
Like a queen on her throne,
Not wanting me to leave.
Claiming you can't cook a thing,
But I just ignore,
And corn and potatoes is all that you bring.
In my bed, a pretty face lies next to me,
Your body giving off so much heat,
And there's no place I'd rather be.

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